Another Mail Apology

From today's Daily Mail:

  • Inayat Bunglawala

    On March 15 we suggested that Inayat Bunglawala’s stabbing an intruder at his home questioned his suitability as a Government adviser on terrorism.

    In fact Mr Bunglawala acted entirely in self-defence and no charges were brought against him.

    Also, Mr Bunglawala does not support Al Qaeda or Abu Qatada as the article may have suggested.

    We apologise to Mr Bunglawala for the distress caused and have agreed to pay him damages.

Of course, had he not been a Government adviser or had a foreign sounding name, or media secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, the Mail would have questioned his suitability just as forcefully! Had he been BNP-supporting, vigilante cause celebre Tony Martin he'd have had a few more plaudits.

(Not that I'm a great fan of the MCB or unaware of Martin's apparent Asperger's)