Handing Over

Last night we handed the crown of Curopean Capital of culture over to Vilnius and Linz. I hope they enjoy it as much as we did and don't have unelected, self-serving bodies like the Taxpayers' Alliance to criticise spending money on culture.

I tried out the new camera but it was so cold that most shots were poor. I noticed that people who know what they're doing tended to use tripods to avoid shake. I may have to invest in one as well as a remote control.

Anyhoo, here are a few of the better ones.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a better view than I did. The fireworks, from what I could see and here, were undoubtedly the biggest I've ever seen. If a bit more thought had gone into it the night would have been superb. As it was it was merely dead good.